Monday 16 April 2012

"It's a Minority in the Majority of drivers"

Two cars that may seem the same does not mean they are actually  the same, their owners are what make both similar cars different as no to car owners are ever the same, this creates many a dilemma for insurance companies as to how they can quote to similar cars with different owners. For example one of my personal favourite cars the "Honda Civic" a favoured car in the modified car scene:
These Honda Civic's have been a big part in the modified car scene for as long as the early 80's if not earlier, the problem is while there driven by modified car enthusiasts, they are also driven by so called "boy racers" (Females not just males) who give the modifying cars and its scene a bad name.

Upon my own experience and that of people I have spoken to and read about I have come to the realization that insurance quotes/premiums for males mainly under the age bracket of 25 are crazy, young males are tortured with car insurance quotes for incredibly large sums of money (so are females don't get me wrong) all this for being in the "boy racer" age group!

This minority who are called "boy racers" that treat our roads badly give the bigger modified car scene a bad name in Ireland and all over the rest of the world I'm sure, as a result car insurance premiums associated with the modified car scene and young/semi-older drivers has gone through the roof in Ireland. 

I myself (being in the age group of the "boy racer") see modifying cars as a hobby and would never use a modified/unmodified car in such a way (street racing etc....) that may endanger pedestrians and fellow drivers on public roads.
leave the racing on the track!

Nobody should be judged by there age or what they drive but instead by the way they drive, in my opinion insurance companies like "Axa insurance, FBD insurance, AA insurance etc...." (not saying there bad, they are great insurance companies) need to change the way in which they see the younger population as "boy racers", the "boy racers" arE a minority which includes females not just males and these are the people who are dragging the rest of the driving population down and making insurance premiums  what they are!

Now don't get me wrong do not blame the insurance companies for their reasons that they charge such large sums to young people but it is those people who find it hardest to pay the prices given, young people find it hard to find a job due to inexperience so cannot afford the large insurance prices.

Overall not all young drivers are "boy racers" so why brand them with the name ? insurance companies need to realize this and try to sort out a more fair scheme to try and decrease the horrendous car insurance prices being asked of young drivers and drivers of modified cars after all if someone put their time and money into their car would they not take more care of it ? 

As I said before Keep the racing/excessive speeding on a closed track, and that is what many people do!

I have an opinion, this is it, sorry if I offend someone!


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